new book on steam cars Serpollet6/23/2019 Vasily Shishka
12 hrsMy dear friends! I am pleased to announce that I have finished an uninteresting job. I now have free evenings (my wife does not think so) and continue to pursue my beloved automotive history. I have the good fortune to announce a new book on steam cars Serpollet. Wonderful automotive enthusiasts from different countries are helping to work on this book. I would like to thank the initiator of the creation of a book about Serpollet and the main consultant. This is a man with steam in the blood, a specialist in steam technology, a collector, a restorer of steam cars, the inventor of a record steam motorcycle and just a good guy - Chris Wedgwood! He knows the device of steam cars to the last screw and can answer different questions. Many Gardner-Serpollet cars have found a rebirth thanks to his skilful hands! Thanks, Chris! Another great person agreed to be a consultant to this book. He is a historian, archivist, patent specialist, a great enthusiast of French technical history, the author of books on the history of bicycles, motorcycles Alcyon, VAP, racing motorcycles - Didier Mahistre! A wide range of knowledge characterizes this person! He is a great connoisseur of bicycles, motorcycles, cars and aeroplanes. If you haven't bought his books yet, then you must hurry! Thank you, Didier! My wonderful friend Alexander Kulchitsky is giving me tremendous help! His hard work greatly accelerates the work on the book. He is also a sports consultant. Thank you, Alexander! The well-known Davide Grappolo also agreed to be a sports consultant and has already sent interesting information! Thanks, Davide! Sherlock Holmes and Commissioner Megre in one person is my friend Dan Souday ! His help is invaluable. A huge amount of information came from this man. He also helps with translation. Thanks, Dan! I would especially like to thank the owners of automobile treasures. These wonderful people are always ready to share a digital copy. Thank you Umberto Voltolin and thank you Fred Korthals! Big thanks to Goupil Dubois, Michael Hortig, Laurent Zoller! I also say thanks to Stanislav Kirilets, Рустам Бикбов, Daniel Ward, Tobias Ward, Fons Alkemade, Davide Lorenzone, Bocha Balboni, Vladimir Vershinin, Bill Fillip, Pál Négyesi, Eugene Kaspersky, Fedor Kartashov, Denis Orlov, Alekse. The first version of the book will be in English (now there are two books in French), later a book will appear in French. Photo Gabor Csaba Nemeth
James McInnes
11/30/2019 10:11:47 pm
Dear Vasili, I have travelled over 20,000 miles in my 1906 White steam car and am a great enthusiast of Serpollet. Please let me know how I can purchase 2 copies of your book?
laurent ZOLLER
11/1/2020 03:14:08 am
hello / bonjour Vasily
Angelo Capodiferro
6/5/2023 02:50:01 pm
Please let me know when the book is available.
Angelo Capodiferro
6/23/2023 02:45:00 pm
Please Contact me personally when your book is out as I am very interested .
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