Modern steam engine design1/31/2020 Hi, does anyone know anyone who designs and builds modern computer controlled steam engines for retrofitting into a standard modern car? Something which even someone with no technical knowledge could drive.
Thank you. Stephen Taylor If you can help Stephen please email him [email protected].
Drawings Wanted1/31/2020 Can anybody help with a drawing for the stub axle for a Stanley or Locomobile buggy?
If so Please Contact Udo Joerges via [email protected]. Grout Coming Together1/26/2020 The Grout Steam Car that is being restored by M.S Herman & Company is coming together after much hard work. Unknown steam car burner1/21/2020 Very cool to see. Some early 70's 1971-72 pictures of the Model 71 of the original restoration done by Jim Keith. Pictures courtesy of Kelly Williams. The car was finished in 1973 and shown at Hershey the following year. It's been a running and touring car ever since.
Steam Dreams Rebuilds Stanley Engine1/12/2020 Engine rebuild progress...the block, piston rods, crank assembly, heads, are all shipped off to the machine shop for machine work. The block will be bored and new pistons made (new rings too). The piston rods will be hard chromed and thread repair done...finally the crank gear will be replaced (chipped tooth) with a new old stock gear. Stanley steamer side mirror bracket1/12/2020 Peter Turvey Writes: Making a curved pad to firmly fix a new side mirror to the oval windscreen pillars on the Stanley steamer and match existing tapped screw holes. The clamp on one keeps falling off as its for a circular pillar. Tried filing the curve first but kept getting a bell mouth shape instead of a smooth curve. The Force of Nature Steam Bike team writes: This morning was an early start to get to CPE pressure vessels in Tamworth for 6.00AM . Taking the “Force of Nature” rocket bike to have the second pressure test on the main vessel. All went well and the vessel is now tested to 80 Bar 1176 psi .It was hydraulically tested for 30 minutes and passed with ease due to the superb design and workmanship of CPE who manufactured the vessel. Whilst I was there the rear plenum and thruster tubes were finished purge welded and look and fit perfectly. Now it’s back home, it’s time to strip the bike back down and lag the pressure vessel and finally finish re building the bike in preparation for rig testing the new valve set up. This is when it all starts to get very interesting. I’ll keep you all posted on progress in the coming weeks. Thanks for all your support and kind comments about the project. If all goes to plan we will be ready to start dynamic testing the bike in the the coming months. Fingers crossed! |
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November 2022