Stanley Steam car differential redesign12/29/2017 Here are some photos of another conversion I did for a 30 HP 1910 Stanley rear-end, making the patterns for the casting was a little challenge, but it all worked out. I fitted it with O rings for the connections to the rear end hubs. Rolly
Fitting Speedometer to a Stanley Steam Car12/24/2017 Trial assembly of speedometer drive and cable for Stanley, all restored contemporary Stewart Warner components as original setup. No more steam car work until after Xmas now. PS The blue string guiding the cable so it does not rub on the NS tyre at full left lock will be replaced by a leather strap!
Peter Turvey 1906 White at Historic Rally12/17/2017
Check out this video of the 1906 White F when owned by Saxon Littler at the 1955 West of England Steam Engine Society Rally. The car is now owned by Richard Hounslow. Video Courtesy of the West of England Steam Engine Society.
Steam car Christmas card from Arnoud Carp12/16/2017 Stanley Speeds Up Prescott12/10/2017 Basil Craske races his 1909 Stanley R up Prescott Hill Climb in 2012. Duplex pump for a steamcar12/8/2017 Is this a Stanley steam car engine12/7/2017 Chris Achilles Stanley Steamer Automobile · Saint Johnsbury, VT, United States · My father has this steam engine in his basement, which supposedly as he once said was from a “Stanley Steamer race car”. How might I go around figuring out what it is exactly? (It is not for sale) |
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November 2022