Soame Steam Car11/20/2016 In 1837 Samuel George Soame was born, becoming an agricultural engineer with a workshop in Norfolk, England. Although fitted with a steam engine, the Soame Steam Car was a smaller wooden, horse drawn looking type of transportation vehicle. The Soame Steam Car was used extensively around North Norfolk, England and was sold by Samuel's grandson in 1946.
The Soame Steam Car was featured in the 1953 motoring classic, Genevieve. According to the Society of Automotive Historians, it was bought by Dick Joice in 1993. Jean, his widow, asked David King to restore the vehicle for the Holkham Bygones Collection based in Norfolk, England. Take a look at some very rare and great Soame Steam Car pictures below sent to us from Russell Yeamans!
Steam Cars From the Archives-Pearson-Cox11/19/2016 Reprinted from The Light Car of March 31st 1915.
The vehicle we are about to describe is a small edition of the larger Pearson-Cox steam-driven automobiles, which have been well known on the market for some years past. One may, therefore, rest assured that the latest Pearson-Cox light steam car is not by any means an experiment in view of the experience which the constructors have accumulated in producing this type of vehicle since it first came in. In this firm's light steam car, the frame, axles, wheels, and springing system are of standard pattern, the same applying to the body, wings, running boards, and all parts external to the power plant itself. President Taft White Steam Car11/19/2016
Steam Cars at Redhill11/7/2016 A number of Steam Cars were seen at the Redhill Steam Car Stop on the 2016 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run yesterday, photographed by George Hounslow. White Steam Propelled Car11/6/2016 Chris Wedgwood completed a great run to Brighton today in a 1904 white steam car. Take a look at his great photo below!
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November 2022