Mason steamer lives again11/22/2018 Spring City Steam Works' recently purchased Mason Steam Car, in steam for the first time in their ownership. A leak was found in the steam generator,18" deep in the combustion chamber and repairs are now in hand.
Steamers sorted on sunday11/13/2018 George Hounslow writes: Through Steam Car Network, I was contacted by Jamie and Charley Allen, as they were having a few problems with their newly acquired 1899 Locomobile, and had yet to try their 1925 Stanley which they had acquired at the same time, the latter joint owned by Charley's brother, Adam Brown. So a day was spent going through a few things on both cars, and by the end of the day they were able to be steamed successfully, the Locomobile in particular running very well. It proved to be a very enjoyable day for all, and I am glad I could help in some way. Whites complete 2018 brighton run11/6/2018 All four Whites entered in the 2018 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run completed the run. Photos courtesy of Chris Wedgewood. Salvesen on 2018 brighton run11/6/2018
Photos taken prior to the run courtesy of Stefan Majoram Photography.
white steam cars in regent street11/3/2018 Chris Wedgewood photographed these White Steam cars on display at the Regent Street Motor Show prior to the 2018 London to Brighton Veteran Car Run. Steve Baldock11/1/2018 It is with great sadness that I have to report the passing of Steve Baldock on the 1st November 2018. Steve was very well known within the steam world, both for his superb miniature traction engines, and, latterly, for the rebuilding of two Beautiful 1909 Stanley Model R's. He was someone who was always willing to give help and assistance wherever he could, and will be sorely missed. Our condolences go out to his family and friends.
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November 2022