Billy Barnes Land Speed Record by Rick Heinig credit to the Steam Automobile Club of America PART THREE BELOW 10 HP Valve Simulation Initial - The first view of the D-slide valve establishes the valve and its steam and exhaust lap. It is centered over the port openings. The second view is to establish the 135 Degree angle from the eccentric picture exercise. This establishes the lead on the engine. BELOW 10 HP Valve Simulation - This shows the valve movement starting with the piston at top-dead -center. The establishment of the eccentric angle (lead) and lap shows the 50% cut off. I believe that the design intent is to establish the lead angle first and then determine lap to get the proper cut-off. BELOW Crank Throw Angle - using a picture and paintbrush, this identifies the crank throw angle relative to the key way. BELOW
Eccentric Angle - picture shows the eccentric angle relative to the key way. The relationship between the key way establishes the 135 Degree angle between the crank and eccentric. This happens to be a key feature to establish the 50% cut off in the 10 HP Stanley Steam Engine.
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December 2022