Melle steam car tour 20191/11/2019 Dampf in Melle
1st-5th May 2019 Automuseum Melle gem. GmbH Pestelstrasse 38-40 49324 MELLE Email: [email protected] - Call 0049-541-48207.
schnauferl wander fahrt 20191/10/2019 6th-10th July 2019
For many years Heiner Rössler has organised the Schnauferl Meeting and the Wander Fahrt. Heiner has decided to entrust the next generation of enthusiasts with the organisation of the tour: Jan Dirk Elstermann, Heiner Placke, Jan Placke and Moritz Schindhelm have taken over the planning since the 2017 event. We would be delighted to see you back in Melle in July or if you have not been yet, join us and experience the friendly atmosphere of our tour! The event is for cars built before 1919 and all historic Steam and Electric Cars Automuseum Melle gem. GmbH Pestelstrasse 38-40 49324 MELLE Contact: [email protected] c/o Moritz Schindhelm Harvestehuder Weg 81 20149 Hamburg Germany 14th September 2019
The West Wilts Society of Model Engineers are holding our 6th annual "Wiltshire Model Steam Gala" on 14th September in Westbury, Wiltshire. We are looking to increase our outdoor exhibits, which currently include stationary and traction engines of various sizes, along with vintage vehicles. We are looking to see if anyone who has a steam vehicle may be based close enough to us to consider showing their vehicle. We provide a light lunch and free teas/coffees during the day. Would you be able to put the request in your site at all? I can be contacted via our Facebook page or Michelle Richardson directly at [email protected]. Drive it Day 201810/10/2017 22nd April 2018
Every year Drive It Day is purposefully held on the Sunday nearest to 23 April. Why? Because it commemorates the 64 cars that left London on the first day of the Thousand Mile Trial on 23 April 1900. The Royal Automobile Club Thousand Mile Trial started in London and passed through Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester - travelled through Scotland - then passed back through more English locations until they were back in London again. The tour lasted until May 12th and 46 out of approximately 65 starting cars made it to the finish line. Melle Steam Car Tour 201810/9/2017 April 28th - May 1st
Dampf in Melle Automuseum Melle gem. GmbH Pestelstrasse 38-40 49324 MELLE Email: [email protected] - Call 0049-541-48207. Schnauferl Wander Fahrt 201810/7/2017 7th to 11th of July (5 days of touring)
For many years Heiner Rössler has organised the Schnauferl Meeting and the Wander Fahrt. Heiner has decided to entrust the next generation of enthusiasts with the organisation of the tour: Jan Dirk Elstermann, Heiner Placke, Jan Placke and Moritz Schindhelm have taken over the planning since the 2017 event. We would be delighted to see you back in Melle in July or if you have not been yet, join us and experience the friendly atmosphere of our tour! The event is for cars built before 1919 and all historic Steam and Electric Cars Automuseum Melle gem. GmbH Pestelstrasse 38-40 49324 MELLE Contact: [email protected] c/o Moritz Schindhelm Harvestehuder Weg 81 20149 Hamburg Germany Cotswold Gathering 201810/6/2017 July 16th-20th
This year will be the 10th Cotswold Gathering. Contact Les Nelson for more information on 01484 665867 Driffield Steam & Vintage Rally 201810/5/2017 SCCGB Tour of the Tetbury Area 201810/4/2017 AUGUST 19th - 24th 2018
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